Kihei Kai Nani AOAO

Important Notice – Office Hours, Pool Closure, Cost Reductions

Important Notice

April 8, 2020


The Board of Directors is acutely aware of problems owners are experiencing during these difficult times.

Pool Closure: We have made some decisions for the property as of March 7, 2020 we are closing the pool area to all visitors and homeowners until further notice. Signs are posted on the gates of the pool area.

The New Office Hours: are Monday thru Saturday from 10am to 2pm to pick up mail and closed on Sundays until further notice. If you have guest coming in please advise them before they arrive, if the office is closed have them check-in the next business day. We will keep you updated.

Maintenance Fees: Homeowner Association Dues pay for Kihei Kai Nani critical services (e.g. lights, security, maintenance, cleaning, water, refuse) which must be maintained during this time. At the present time we are approximately 5-6% occupied by owners and long-term tenants; basic services must be maintained. We cannot reduce or eliminate the maintenance fees; everyone must be treated equally.

We have successfully reduced some routine costs. With limited units occupied we have reduced refuse disposal to twice a week. Water and sewer charges should decrease due to lack of occupancy. The staff hours have been reduced. We have contracts with Spectrum for TV and Island Plant for landscaping maintenance that must be honored.

The Kihei Kai Nani Board of Directors