Kihei Kai Nani AOAO

Votes Needed for Roof Repair

Attention Homeowner’s

Votes Are Still Needed for the Laundry/Roof Replacement

The Laundry/Office roof must be replaced due to serious termite infestation. You should have received a ballot from the Association to vote on the roof replacement and an amendment. (Two ballots must be mailed back)

We must have 67% owner’s approval on the two ballots to proceed. If you still have the letter and the two ballots and haven’t voted yet, please do and send them to the DMI office.

Even though the island is shut down because of the Corona Virus, DMI is still receiving mail and the ballots can be counted.

Ethel Belway

As of April 3, 2020, we have a total of

63.73%. Yes
1.677%. No

Roof replacement
64.85%. Yes
1.677% No

Destination Maui will go over the list to find out which owners haven’t voted and will resend the email or if you do not have an email they will send another letter with an explanation to owners.

The DMI office is still receiving mail so please send in your vote!