Kihei Kai Nani AOAO



For Assistance with Disaster Relief

Please call

Maui (808) 244-0051


Meet with your family or household members.

Discuss how to prepare and respond to emergencies that are most likely to happen where you live, learn, work

and play.

Identify responsibilities for each member of your household and plan to work together as a team.

If a family member is in the military, plan how you would respond if they were deployed.

Plan what to do in case you are separated during an emergency

Choose two places to meet:

? Right outside your home in case of a sudden emergency, such as a fire

? Outside your neighborhood, in case you cannot return home or are asked to evacuate

Choose an out-of-area emergency contact person:

It may be easier to text or call long distance if local phone lines are overloaded or out of service. Everyone

should have emergency contact information in writing or programmed into their cell phones.

Plan what to do if you have to evacuate

Decide where you would go and what route you would take to get there. You may choose to go to a

hotel, stay with friends or relatives in a safe

location or go to an evacuation shelter if necessary.

Practice evacuating your home twice a year. Drive your planned evacuation

route and plot alternate routes on your map in case roads are impassable.

Plan ahead for your pets. Make pre-arrangements with animal shelters or kennels for an emergency. Some

shelters will have pet-friendly space adjacent to emergency shelters. If you plan to evacuate with your pet, it is

critical to have a crate and other emergency supplies with your pet. If the shelter does not have pet-friendly

spaces, you can keep the pet in your vehicle. Another option would be to make pre-arrangements with animal

shelters or kennels to look after your pet during an emergency.

Emergency Contact Cards for All Household Members

o Print one card for each family member.

o Write the contact information for each household member, such as work, school and cell phone


o Fold the card so it fits in your pocket, wallet or purse.

o Carry the card with you so it is available in

Let Your Family Know You’re Safe

Tell your loved ones about the American Red Cross Safe and Well web site available through This Internet-based tool should be integrated into your emergency communications plan.

People within a disaster-affected area can register themselves as “safe and well” and concerned family and

friends who know the person’s phone number or address can search for messages posted by those who selfregister.

If you don’t have Internet access, call 1-866-GETINFOto register yourself and your family.



Disasters may strike quickly and without warning. These events can be frightening for adults, but they are traumatic for children if they don’t know what to do.

During a disaster, your family may have to leave your home and daily routine. Children may become anxious, confused, or frightened. It is important to give children guidance that will help them reduce their fears.

Children and Their Response to Disaster
Children depend on daily routines: They wake up, eat breakfast, go to school, play with friends. When emergencies or disasters interrupt this routine, children may become anxious.

In a disaster, they’ll look to you and other adults for help. How you react to an emergency gives them clues on how to act. If you react with alarm, a child may become more scared. They see our fear as proof that the danger is real. If you seem overcome with a sense of loss, a child may feel their losses more strongly.

Children’s fears also may stem from their imagination, and you should take these feelings seriously. A child who feels afraid is afraid. Your words and actions can provide reassurance. When talking with your child, be sure to present a realistic picture that is both honest and manageable.

Feelings of fear are healthy and natural for adults and children. But as an adult, you need to keep control of the situation. When you’re sure that danger has passed, concentrate on your child’s emotional needs by asking the child what’s uppermost in his or her mind. Having children participate in the family’s recovery activities will help them feel that their life will return to “normal.” Your response during this time may have a lasting impact.